Alex Obskov., Ph.D.
Doctor of Education,
Professor of English as a Second Language (ESL),
American Accent Coach
Teaching Appointments
Jan 2022 - present at
Professor of English as a Second Language.
Jul 2020 - present at
- Project Acces
Professor of English as a Second Language.
Sep 2019 - present at
Founder & Professor of English as a Second Language.
Sep 2013 - Aug 2020 at Corporate Institute
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk, LLC
Professor of English as a Second Language.
Mar 2012 - May 2020 at
- National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Professor of English (Phonetics and Phonology), Foreign Languages Dept.
Professor of English as a Second Language, Foreign Languages Dept.
Visiting Professor of English as a Second Language, Foreign Languages Dept.
Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language, Institute of International Education and Language Communication.
Feb 2010 - Dec 2017 at
- Tomsk State Pedagogical University
Professor of English, Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation.
Assistant Professor of Education, College of Education.
Assistant Professor of English, Linguistics and Linguo-Didactics Dept.
Education & Certification
Oct 2010 - Dec 2017
- Recognized by US at BEIS, Irving, TX, US. Nov, 2021
Ph.D. thesis:
- "Educational Environment and Implementation of Interactive Language Education for Technical Students."
Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Bachelor & Master’s Degree with a Major in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Sep 2002 — Apr 2009
- Recognized by US at BEIS, Irving, TX, US. Nov, 2021
Topic: “Basic Culture Formation of the Person in Educational Learning Process.”
Topic: “Mastering Phonetic Skills Through Technical Training Aids.”
Thesis Execution and Defense:
Topic: “Affixal Verb Formation in Modern English Language.”
- Austin, TX, USA
In process.
Sep 2011 — Oct 2011
Description: In the learning process, students will get acquainted with the abstract concepts of e-learning, the basics of educational design of an electronic environment, design methodology, and technology for developing an e-course in the LMS Moodle environment, as well as gain practical experience by creating a fragment of an e-course on the discipline taught. The result of the training is completing the final certification work – an element of an electronic course in the chosen specialization.
Total hours trained: 72
May 2012 — Jul 2012
Certificate Teaching Russian as a foreign language in today’s
socio-cultural conditions.
Jun 2015 — Feb 2015
Description: Basic principles of learning productive and receptive types of speech activity; Learning to read and speaking; Teaching listening and writing; Text activity RSLs studying; Principles and methods of teaching Russian phonetics of students with different levels of language proficiency; Problems of teaching vocabulary in a foreign audience; Problematic issues of teaching grammar RSL; Education trials based on the derivation.
Total hours trained: 72
Research & Presentations
English pronunciation, American Accent Training, English as a Second Language (ESL), English Grammar, Theoretical English Phonetics;
Language Education, Education, Psychology, Collaborative Learning, Partnership
Interactive Teaching, Leadership Interactive Teaching;
eLearning, LMS Moodle, and the like.
(Corporate Education)
Jan 2022 — Present
- La Porte, IN
“American Accent Program, LLC”
Jan 2019 — Present
- Austin, TX
Project Access, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Jul 2020 — Present
- Orange, CA
Primary responsibilities: 1. Plan, organize and provide online instructions in English that meet state and federal standards; 2. Provide instruction that is consistent and coordinated to ensure that students meet and exceed learning targets; 3. Develop and deliver lesson plans that use a broad range of appropriate teaching techniques and strategies using the Learning Management System “Google Classroom” “Google Meets;” 4. Address all aspects of communication through appropriate instruction that develops each student’s ability to read, write, speak, and listen in the appropriate content area; 5. Administer academic and language assessments to evaluate student progress for meeting academic learning targets and progress in language acquisition; 6. Maintain complete and accurate records of student progress and evidence of growth and progress; 7. Provide a nurturing and supportive learning environment that encourages student responsibility and incorporates challenging instructional strategies; 8. Adapt curriculum to provide individual, small group, and/or remedial instruction to meet students’ needs and subgroups; 9. Employ a variety of instructional techniques and strategies to meet different aptitudes and interests of students; 10. Manage allotted learning time to maximize student achievement; 11. Oversee assigned out-of-classroom activities as needed.
Course taught: • English as a Second Language.
Project Access, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Jul 2020 — Present
- Orange, CA
Primary responsibilities: 1. Plan, organize and provide online instructions in English that meet state and federal standards; 2. Provide instruction that is consistent and coordinated to ensure that students meet and exceed learning targets; 3. Develop and deliver lesson plans that use a broad range of appropriate teaching techniques and strategies using the Learning Management System “Google Classroom” “Google Meets;” 4. Address all aspects of communication through appropriate instruction that develops each student’s ability to read, write, speak, and listen in the appropriate content area; 5. Administer academic and language assessments to evaluate student progress for meeting academic learning targets and progress in language acquisition; 6. Maintain complete and accurate records of student progress and evidence of growth and progress; 7. Provide a nurturing and supportive learning environment that encourages student responsibility and incorporates challenging instructional strategies; 8. Adapt curriculum to provide individual, small group, and/or remedial instruction to meet students’ needs and subgroups; 9. Employ a variety of instructional techniques and strategies to meet different aptitudes and interests of students; 10. Manage allotted learning time to maximize student achievement; 11. Oversee assigned out-of-classroom activities as needed.
Course taught: • English as a Second Language.
Corporate Institute LLC “Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.”
Sep 2013 — Aug 2020
- Tomsk, RU
Primary responsibilities: 1. Perform those activities listed in the district’s classroom teacher job description as appropriate and applicable; 2. Plan, organize, and provide instruction in English in the Corporate Institute LLC, “Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.” Instruction must be consistent and coordinated with the district’s instructional program so that students meet and exceed learning targets and the requirements outlined in the state and federal law; 3. Develop and deliver lesson plans utilizing a broad range of appropriate differentiated techniques and strategies addressing all aspects of communication that develop each students’ ability to read, write, speak, and listen in content areas at levels that ensure learners meet or exceed learning targets and allow English learners to access the district’s instructional program meaningfully; 4. Administer academic and language assessments to evaluate students’ progress in meeting academic learning targets and progress in language acquisition; 5. Maintain complete and accurate records of students’ progress and evidence of growth and progress; 5. Provide a nurturing, supportive, and positive learning environment with high expectations that encourage students’ responsibility, enhance motivation, clearly communicate classroom routines, and incorporate challenging instructional strategies; 6. Attends staff meetings as may be requested or as established by the Institute.
Course taught: • English as a Second Language • PET • KET • TOEFL
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Department of Foreign Languages, Power Engineering Institute.
Mar 2012 — May 2021
- Tomsk, RU
Primary responsibilities: 1. teaching undergraduate, masters or doctoral level courses; 2. designing and implementing e-Learning, 3. publishing research 4. advising students; 5. team teaching field-based courses; working collaboratively with faculty and staff to implement departmental programs and Student Learning Outcome Assessments; 6. working with public school partners and community colleges on collaborative projects and mutual goals; 7. providing professional development and mentor teacher training; 8. providing service to the department; 9. continual learning to stay current with research, best practices in teaching, and technological applications in the classroom, including online teaching.
Courses taught: • Practical English Phonetics • English Composition • ESL
2012 — Jun 2013
- Tomsk, RU
Primary responsibilities: 1. Teaching undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral level courses; 2. Designing and implementing e-Learning in the department, 3. Publishing research papers 3. Advising students; 4. Team teaching field-based courses; working collaboratively with faculty and staff to implement departmental programs and Student Learning Outcome Assessments; 5. Providing professional development and mentor teacher training; 6. Providing service to the department; 7. Stay current with research, best practices in teaching, and technological applications in the classroom, including online teaching.
Courses taught: • Practical English Phonetics • Theoretical English Phonetics • Business English • English Grammar • English Composition II, III, IV • ESL • TL Literature.
2020 — Present
- London, UK
Jan 2020 — Present
- Austin, TX
Jul 2021 — Present
- Ecuador
Published: 2020-08-31
Jul 2021 — Present
- Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta
The 2nd International Conference on Education, Language, and Society (ICELS – 2)”.
May 2021 — Present
- Turkey
Indexed by Scopus.
Jul 2021 — Present
- New York, NY
Indexed by Scopus.
Sep 2015 — Nov 2019
- Tomsk, RU