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Customize Accent Reduction Program Based on Your Needs & Goals

This advanced Accent Reduction Program
Is Your Chance To Speak American!



There are three modules in Accent Reduction Program: American Consonants, American Vowless, & American Intonation.
M1: 13 sessions of American Consonants,
M2: 12 session of American Vowels &
M3: 10 Intonation patterns.


In Module One you will learn & understand 24 American consonant sounds that are produced by different combinations of the lips, tongue, teeth and vocal cords. 2D Sound Motion Technology is a great value in learning!


In Module Two you will learn and understand 20 American Vowel sounds presented by the alphabet letters e, a, i, o, u, and sometimes y. American Vowels are divided into two category: short/low & long/high. 2D Sound Motion Technology will show you details of pronunciation!



Phonetic Exercises practice your ability to speak American Sounds correctly and fluently. Deep evaluation happened through the training and evaluating each sound interaction which leads to speak English fluently and confidently.


Paragraph practice will practice your ability to speak up your mind with clear pronunciation telling short stories while working on your intonation, rhythm , and connected speech.


American Intonation and Emphasis is simple to develop if you know such things like Low Falling Tone, Low Rising Tone, what words are important in the sentence and which once are not

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Orientation Session is $90

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See Accent Reduction Curriculum

Learn the American Accent Course Program To Start Improving Your Speaking Skills

You CAN UNDERSTAND how to pronounce American Consonants correctly, distinguishing the differences between your native sounds and American consonants like [T] & [D] or sound interactions [TR] & [WR]; learn about Elision, Reductions, Assimilations, and much more.
You CAN CREATE a habitual manner of speaking each American Consonant by practicing with “phonetic exercises.” that you will be training at the beginning, middle, and end of words).
You CAN PRACTICE speaking American in “sentences practice” & “paragraphs practice.” This training will help you find your mistakes and analyze how to speak English correctly.
You CAN ORGANIZE all American Consonants in your mind, and improve pronunciation after a couple of sessions!
You CAN WORK in your private Learning Management System with audio and video recordings, and 2D Sound Motion Animations for each American sound.
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