
For Pronunciation & American Accent Training







Sound Interaction


Your Personal American Accent Coach

Receive Feedback from 2D Sound Motion Simulator On How To Articulate Each American Sound Effectively


Sound Pronunciation

Accurate Sounds

2D Sound simulator will show you how to use your speech organs to pronounce a correct American Sound.


Sound Correctly

Understand American Sounds

2D provides so much details, so you will be able to repeat exactly the American Sound like a native speaker.


American Confidently

Use American Sounds

Practicing with a ot fo phonetic exercises and practice sentences will improve your speaking and listening skills significantly!

AI as an American Accent Coach

“We Know This Technology Is a Key To Success ”


American Accent Training

Alex is a very professional and friendly professor/person. I didn’t even notice how my class was over. Time flies with the right person, I can tell! I like 2D Sound Motion he introduced to develop the American Sound! He introduced the Sound [t], and I started to speak this sound after I saw 2D Sound Motion. I think it will help me understand how to pronounce American sounds more effectively.

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American Accent Training

The initial consultation session was just as I expected, in a good way. Partly through the conversation I knew and confirmed that Alex’s approach was what I was looking for and I was ready to sign up for the sessions. I am impressed with 2D Sound Animation that dr. Alex developed. In a demo session I had a chance too see the effective approach with 2D. I got the sound immediately! It is different from other accent coaches’ approach!

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American Accent Training

Professor Alex is an excellent instructor and explained the process of learning. I was evaluated and informed about my problems and the importance of tongue movements to produce the correct sound. The 2D method of learning is amazing and helps to understand the exact tongue movements to produce the correct sounds. I hope that I can start the program as soon as possible. Thanks Professor Alex.

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Great Learners Deserve Great Sounds

All Students Will Be Interviewed in a Free Consultation Before They Subscribe

Sound Development

It becomes easier to speak the sound, 2D Sound Motion Technology shows you how to pronounce each sound of American English correctly

Sound Simulator

2D “Sound Simulator” always reminds you how use your tongue and mouth to stay tune with a correct sound that you are learning.

Phonetic Exercises

It becomes easier to speak the sound, 2D Sound Motion Technology shows you how to pronounce each sound of American English correctly

Sound Development

Get a lot of practice to speak up American Vowels & Consonants habitually and naturally.

Sound Simulator

Experience speaking English with practice sentences where you can find your challenges and easily correct them with video classes. Practice different intonation patterns as well.

Phonetic Exercises

Speak up stories using learned sounds, intonation patterns, and communicate with Dr. Alex by submitting audio and video assignments for evaluation and feedback

Now You Can Get Access to a Single Session



Session 1. American Schwa [ə] Sound as in “CAPABLE [ˈkā-pə-bəl]”
Session 2. American Vowel [ē] Sound as in “EAT” & [i] Sound as in “SIT”
Session 3. American Diphthongs [ī] Sound as in “LIKE” & [ā] Sound as in “NAME”
Session 4. American Diphthongs [au̇] Sound as in  “SOUND” & [ō] Sound as in “GO
Session 5. American Diphthongs [ȯi] Sound as in “OIL” & [yü] Sound as in “CUTE”
Session 6. American Open Vowel [a] Sound as in “CAT” & Short Vowel [e] Sound as in“TEN”
Session 7. American Long Vowel [ü] Sound as in “FOOD” & Short Vowel [u̇] Sound as in “FOOT”
Session 8. American Long Vowel [ȯ] Sound as in “ALL” & Short [ä] Sound as in “HOT” & Short Vowel [ə] Sound as in “CUT”
Session 9. American Contracted Vowel [är] Sound as in “CAR”
Session 10. American Contracted Vowel [ȯr] Sound as in “TORN”
Session 11. American Contracted Vowel [ər] Sound as in “TURN”

Understand How to Pronounce …

Session 1. American Schwa [ə] Sound as in “CAPABLE [ˈkā-pə-bəl]”
Session 2. American Vowel [ē] Sound as in “EAT” & [i] Sound as in “SIT”
Session 3. American Diphthongs [ī] Sound as in “LIKE” & [ā] Sound as in “NAME”
Session 4. American Diphthongs [au̇] Sound as in  “SOUND” & [ō] Sound as in “GO
Session 5. American Diphthongs [ȯi] Sound as in “OIL” & [yü] Sound as in “CUTE”
Session 6. American Open Vowel [a] Sound as in “CAT” & Short Vowel [e] Sound as in“TEN”
Session 7. American Long Vowel [ü] Sound as in “FOOD” & Short Vowel [u̇] Sound as in “FOOT”
Session 8. American Long Vowel [ȯ] Sound as in “ALL” & Short [ä] Sound as in “HOT” & Short Vowel [ə] Sound as in “CUT”
Session 9. American Contracted Vowel [är] Sound as in “CAR”
Session 10. American Contracted Vowel [ȯr] Sound as in “TORN”
Session 11. American Contracted Vowel [ər] Sound as in “TURN”

Understand How to Pronounce …



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“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis. Nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit. Elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam quam. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet. Vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique. Varius duis at consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et. Proin sed libero enim sed.





“…I have been working with Dr. Alex Obskov for six and a half months to improve my pronunciation, and I appreciate him for the fantastic job he has done with my accent. I came to the US several years ago, and it was challenging for me to understand people, to speak my mind, and to feel confident in the way I sound. There are eleven sessions that Alex has designed perfectly to target the most important sounds in the American language. I have had a very thick Russian accent, and the manner of speaking was different. Alex has been so patient with me, helping me out to understand the American consonants and vowels, word stress, and intonation patterns. I would say that I often struggle with the feeling of low confidence in my English speaking, but Alex has helped me change my mind completely. Thanks a lot!



American sounds, American consonants

American Consonants sound-by-sound

1. You can understand how to pronounce American consonants correctly using the 2D Sound Simulator;
2. You can practice each sound with “phonetic exercises” (at the beginning, middle, and end of words);
3. You can practice speaking them in “sentence practice” & “paragraph practice.”
Use your consonants confidently!

This chapter consists of 25 American English consonant phonemes: 15 Voiced Sounds & 9 Unvoiced Sounds.

Session 1. American Unvoiced [t] & Voiced [d] Phonemes + Voicing [t̬]
Session 2. American Voiced [r] & Voiced [w] Phonemes
Session 3. American Unvoiced [s] & Voiced [z] Phonemes
Session 4. American Unvoiced [th] & Voiced [t͟h] Phonemes
Session 5. American Unvoiced [ʃ] & Voiced [ʒ] Phonemes
Session 6. American Unvoiced [ʧ] & Voiced [ʤ] Phonemes
Session 7. American Unvoiced [h] Phoneme
Session 8. American Unvoiced [p] & Voiced [b] Phonemes
Session 9. American Unvoiced [f] & Voiced [v] Phonemes
Session 10. American Unvoiced consonant [k] & Voiced consonant [g] Sounds
Session 11. American Lateral Voiced consonant [l] Sound
Session 12. American Voiced consonants [m], [n], & [ŋ] Sonorants
Session 13. Word Endings; ED -ending [t], [d], or [id]



Find Your Voice

American Accent Program
for Speakers of English as a Second Language